HTML Introduction

HTML – HTML stands for Hypertext Markup language. It is used to create web pages that  are displayed on the www(world wide web).

Hyperlink – Each page contains a series of connections to other pages called Hyperlinks. OR Each page contains a link to another web page called Hyperlink HTML code ensures the proper formatting page of text and images for your Internet browser.

HTML also provides a basic structure of the page, upon which cascading style sheets are overlaid to change its appearance.  

One could think of HTML as the bones (Structure) of a web page, and CSS as its skin (appearance).

Block level Tags –  The three block level tags every HTML document needs to contain are <html>, <head>, and <body>.

  1. The <html> </html> tag is the highest level element that encloses every HTML page. 
  2. The <head></head> tag holds meta Information such as the page’s title and charset.
  3. <title> : As its name suggested it is used to add title of that html page when appears at the top of  browser window. It must be placed inside the head tag and should close immediately (optional)
  4. Finally, the <body> </body> tag encloses all the content on that page. The code we write in the body tag that is displayed on the web page.